Is Aweber really the best email autoresponder? I get asked this question at least once a day by any one of my readers.
I got tired of replying to emails; so I thought I?d make a post about it.
Sure, it is a great thing to clarify stuff before investing money on anything; given that Aweber is not a free email autoresponder service, I can understand the concern among bloggers in investing for an autoresponder solution.
And there are also free email autoresponder services like Mailchimp that add to the thinking.
If you?ve been having this question in mind, this post will answer it for you.
Why Aweber?
So you have free autoresponder services like Mailchimp. And I should admit that Mailchimp offers nice features given that it is free. So why Aweber?
To start with, you can read my Aweber review to get an idea of the features offered by Aweber for a decent price:
>>> Read my honest Aweber review
You see, free is not for every business. I do understand that your pocket could be thin. But spending money on a good autoresponder service like Aweber or GetResponse is investing.
They say, money is in the list. Of course I am not directing you to an email marketing strategy that involves only selling to your list. If you?re having that thought, take it off your mind right now.
But still, the money is in the list. If you manage to build a genuine relationship with your list subscribers (through your email marketing ?strategy) and have developed some good trust, you should be able to make sales with any affiliate recommendations you make.
This is where Mailchimp puts you in trouble. Here is a part of the Terms of Service from Mailchimp -
No offense intended, but because we must ensure the highest delivery rates possible for all our customers, we do not allow businesses that offer these types of services, products, or content:
- Illegal goods or services
- Escort and dating services
- Pharmaceutical products
- Work from home, Internet Lead-gen, Make money on online opportunities, etc.
- Online trading, day trading tips, or stock market related content
- Gambling services, products or gambling education
- Multi-level marketing
- Affiliate marketers
- Credit repair, get-out-of-debt content
- Mortgages and/or Loans
- Nutritional Supplements, Herbal Supplements or Vitamin Supplements
- Pornography or nudity in content
- Adult novelty items or references in content
- List brokers or List rental services
- Marketing or sending commercial email without proper permission
Generally speaking, if you?re in an industry that is frequently associated with spam, you know who you are (it?s probably why you?re reading this far, right?). We make no judgments about your line of business, but we cannot afford to risk our deliverability.
I?ve made certain areas bold and underlined for a purpose. I know some of my friends whose Mailchimp account got suspended for this reason.
What did I do when I used Mailchimp?
No I did not forget my old days. I started my email marketing campaign with Mailchimp. I had a nice run. But their terms bothered me quite a bit. I didn?t want to get my account suspended and wake up losing all my precious contacts I built over the time.
So when I was using Mailchimp, I had to write a review post for every product I thought about promoting.
It is indeed good to write a review or make a relevant blog post for any item you promote. But it is not always necessary. And it won?t be applicable always.
What if you want to give a shout out to your list about a cool discount that they shall not miss? Would you write a blog post about it? That would be ridiculous.
I simply stayed away from telling my list about any offers, or discounts. Whenever I was able to write a review, I intimated my list about a product; when I don?t I simply didn?t tell anyone.
This is about my affiliate marketing experience. And, this is not just about Mailchimp.
Creating emails is just so effective on my time!
It is with the ease and effectiveness with which I can create my affiliate promo emails ? especially with the new html drag-drop designer.
Email autoresponder
Mailchimp doesn?t offer the option to send email autoresponders in the free plan. You can only send live broadcasts. This will be a major hit for my business.
I do use a mix of autoresponder and live broadcasts to maintain a healthy relationship with my customers and the ability to send autoresponder emails is a must for me.
In this matter, GetResponse does well; actually I am currently using GetResponse for most of my lists (including the Problogging Success list). All their plans offer equal features (but they don?t have a free plan; they do offer a free trial though!); yes the autoresponder feature included.
So, why Aweber?
I will redirect you to a comparison I?ve made.
>>> Aweber Vs GetResponse
Why Aweber is the best email autoresponder for most internet marketers/bloggers?
Bloggers have their own preferences.
And I find that the features of Aweber fit perfectly for the kind of business (so if you are doing the kind of business I am doing, you get the idea).
Why Aweber? Here are the highlights
- I find Aweber?s pricing structure to be very decent and reasonable.
- I can have unlimited number of lists and sub-lists in ONE account. I don?t pay more for having multiple lists.
- I can send unlimited number of emails to my list. I don?t pay extra for sending that important mail. I don?t have to worry about keeping track of the number of emails I send to my list in a month. Suits me perfectly because I don?t have a very strict schedule in sending email to my list.
- My email deliverability rate is HIGH.
- I can catch dead and fake emails immediately and can delete them (helps with improving the trust factor with the mails I send).
- The in-built Spam filter helps me to see if my email message smells spammy BEFORE I send it. Not after I receive complaints and unsubscribes from my list.
- I have LOADS of beautiful templates to choose from.
- I have the wonderful drag-drop editor. Good bye to expensive html email templates.
- I can host my images.
- I can send live emails, blog broadcasts (the RSS to mail) and/or autoresponder emails.
Bloggers get pretty much all they need.
So here you go?. the answer to your question: Why Aweber is the best email autoresponder according to most bloggers?
Many of my subscribers even asked me: Did you choose Aweber just because it is the most popular email autoresponder?
Well, yes and no!
No, because I had the opportunity to put my hands on various autoresponders and come to a conclusion that Aweber fits my kind of business well.
Yes, because I think a big chunk of crowd can?t be wrong.
Let me emphasize that this conclusion is purely my personal opinion. Note that one size doesn?t fit all. And, I do not intend to downgrade any other email autoresponder services.
May be you could find Mailchimp or other service to be a fit for you. In fact I currently use both Aweber and GetResponse!
Nevertheless I strongly recommend Aweber for every online business as a necessary tool for their email marketing.

Article by JaneSheeba
+Jane is the founder of Problogging Success. She is an expert blogger, consultant, freelance writer and blog designer. Don't forget to get your hands on two FREE Ebooks she offers.
Jane has written 281 awesome posts for Problogging Success.
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