শুক্রবার, ২২ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Is the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition racist?

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Thanks still it is a Bill O'Reilly in the Miller time segment tonight let's get right to the stage of Southern California joins stamps and -- But -- everybody's talking about President Obama novel with Tiger Woods and you -- -- you guys.

On TV here.


Dick Morris with a leaf blower outside dobbs is part -- Harley Harry eulogized today a Tiger Woods President Obama rabbit golf.

So I was just dreaming about going through Europe -- John Kerry they must feel like that bring in Stonehenge -- -- NAFTA let's say.

Bush -- Barack Obama it's just nice to say it's just nice to see Obama.


Hook a ball behind some shrubbery.

And blame an actual bush for one such -- unhappy about when I see.

Listen I don't mind -- because golf but I wish she would stay golf fact it's what he's done golf thing that I have trouble not tiger said he was a good potter.

Not bad surprises me because in real life it seems he's always -- -- -- But I guess some days you're out there on the course -- in the hole just looks as big as the as the area where Biden's brain is supposed to be some days you just can't.

-- diets -- you don't have any problem with the Prez now wrecked creating.

Oh with mr.

woods -- So -- dubious resume I don't see any problem there.

On tiger tiger is -- -- -- women and I don't know it is -- should have a beef with them that I guess they got the ball.

Arsenal at what businesses and of Obama as he doesn't care.

For God's sakes listen if Clinton golf with tiger.

Tiger Woods would be to -- that one.

Now I I say look at the litmus test is a president who can hang around anybody with personal problems can be real lonely in Washington.

So if I don't agree she did it.

It's a seal yourself in carbon I'd like console.

As a -- -- -- is going to be walking around 2 -- -- morning with a little dog whatever that a lot of famous.

Our rights in the video -- You came and I you know Putin ran out to be shared off try to Friday in a way didn't work after.

And he says.

They've been here actually led the -- it is what little just -- hasn't warmed like the end of 2001 to two -- in the media right all warmed.

You know they were in direct alignment like -- -- -- -- -- thank listened to it -- such a big collection this moron he's a letter.

After everything got.

You know it was such a big crater the people thought it was their economy.

I would hit it hit here we come attacks that some bridge and -- tax and that's -- up at this cracks me up that it finally hits that it hits in Russia.

And it's like the biggest thing that happened the rush for a it's like the ice capades but that everybody sits there why do we got this is big.

I'm glad I'm doing Siberian you know I'm talking it out in February is not a lot to do so in the media are items -- -- -- -- But you know -- -- -- he little.

12100 people got -- do you imagine that meteor -- LA did you imagine what would have happened -- people would actually had to get out of their cars Miller.

We can -- like that.

Let me tell you sense that thing glad that 1015 years ago it couldn't hit Yeltsin and ahead he would have felt that he was so loaded on -- -- Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition every year comes out of you this controversy -- this year.

Some I don't exactly know who and it was too lazy to really find out.

Some are saying that that the magazine.

Didn't wasn't racially sensitive.

And some of the photos and I know you being a very sensitive guy.

Did you pick that up.

That's a bit of a reach and not usually the -- attached to the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue lesson.

Those web I don't even see any I don't see anybody else -- those pictures what are you -- that we live in the whining is times.

In the history of the planet what I just watch Sandra Fluke testify.

Up on the hill instead of watching what and where dental floss I -- have her whine about our study group.

Has gingivitis in the state wallpaper their dental -- what are you kidding me when wanna get rid of football swim -- well.

Big cars this is the greatest generation if you can't just look at this and appreciate how beautiful women I don't know what the hell's happened in this country like.

Well and -- is another factor here -- well that win the photos.

Show people from around the world.

That's stimulus tourism you know I mean look I'm if this lady is in an art -- you know -- book and you're going right to.

We'll doable to fresher -- with those penguins down there.

If she's there might well listen and -- -- listen there's a couple of factors and that's volatility and a lot of government -- rally these credits for page.

-- I agree with you that any excuse.

Any excuse particularly on the Internet when they have to -- generate traffic and stuff.

Any issues to create controversy they're gonna do it so there were few minority people and little kids dressed up in their native costumes and -- -- -- shot.

It's ridiculous and I'll give -- the last word god help me.

The last word deserve racist for saying Obama races for -- and everybody in the magazines -- -- people read the magazine iterations.

People noticed the magazine as racist -- racist.

I don't what to say anymore -- -- anybody passing the airport Thinkpads in the that there is no -- everybody.

Dennis Miller every line editing.

Source: http://video.foxnews.com/v/2178931736001/is-the-sports-illustrated-swimsuit-edition-racist/

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